
Here are the videos for our meals.

First is dutch oven chicken, potatoes, and apple blueberry crunch!
Second one is dutch oven chile with cornbread, and a cookie for desert!
Last is dutch oven french toast for Friday morning breakfast!



Make sure image is printed out on a 8 1/2 x 11" size paper!  I have a few copies already printed. Hit me up, if you want to stop by and grab one :) Sis. Stocking, 668-8229.  Click on the dropbox link below.

Bonnet Pattern (dropbox)


Working on your buckets yet?!?

Here's some information we've been able to gather re: pricing for 5 gallon buckets around town.  If you find a deal..make a commet below.  Or get a hold of a member of the Trek Committee so we can share the info :)
Home Depot  bucket $2.97/lid $1.48
Lowe's bucket $2.98/lid $1.38
Lin's will donate used buckets for free when they are available
Great Harvest will sell used buckets for $2

DIY cushion tutorial is currently located as one of our Popular Posts on the Right Side of the Blog -->  You can also find it by looking in our March posts!  OR here's a quick picture tutorial!!!

Step 1  -- Cut an 11" circle from 2" foam.  Cut a 19" circle from any material.  

Step 2 -- Glue the material to the foam cushion using a glue gun.

Step 3 -- Glue the cushion to the lid.

How to Convert a Collar Shirt into a Pioneer Shirt

Comment below if you have any sewing tips...or send us a pic!

Trek Video Bloopers

Updated Packing List

Personal Gear List (Dropbox)

Updated FAQ's


When is trek?
June 16-18

Where will trek be held?
In the Pine Valley area

Who can attend trek?
All YM & YW 14-18 years old (must be 14 before August 31, 2016)

When are permission forms due?

How many miles will I trek each day?
5-8 miles

What do I need to bring for trek?
Refer to the Packing List on the blog.  Your Ward Trek Coordinator also has copies.

Where can I purchase pioneer clothing?
Pioneer clothing can be purchased online at Deseret Book, White Elegance, Etsy, Amazon, etc.  You can also borrow clothing from friends, family and neighbors who have previously been on a trek.   D.I. is also a great resource.   

What if I want to sew my own clothing?
Simple sewing patterns are available on the blog.  Your Ward Trek Coordinator has copies of bonnet patterns and instructions.

What do I pack my personal items in?
Each trekker will have a 5-gallon bucket to pack their items in.   It will also be used as a chair while camping.  Larger items like your sleeping bag, blanket and coat should be put in a large plastic bag.

Where do I get my 5-gallon bucket?
Contact your Ward Trek Coordinator for information.

Can I bring my cell phone or electronics on the trek?
No.  Digital Camera is ok.

How will the trek families be organized?
Each family will consist of a Ma and Pa and 8-10 youth. 

When will I find out who my Ma and Pa are?
You will find out the morning of the trek at the trailhead.

Will I need to bring extra food or snacks?
No.   You will eat very well and snacks will be provided in between meals.

Will there be portable toilets on the trek?
Yes.   Porta potties will be provided and they will travel with the handcarts.

What if I have a food allergy?
Medical forms need to be completed by each trekker and a space is provided on the form to explain food allergies.   Food will be provided to meet your dietary needs.

What if I have a physical limitation?
Please let your YM or YW president know you would like to attend and every effort will be made for you to participate.

What if we have an emergency at home and need to contact our trekker?
We will be providing emergency contact information to parents, bishoprics, and YM/YW presidencies prior to trek.

What if my trekker has an emergency on the trail?
We have a safety committee in place that will be coordinating all efforts to ensure we are prepared for emergencies.   We will have a medical staff traveling with the handcarts.  If needed, we will bring the trekker off the mountain for further medical treatment.  Parents will be notified of the situation.

How can I prepare now for trek? 
1.  Find comfortable shoes now!!  Running shoes are best so it a good idea to
     start walking in them for at least 2-3 months before trek.
2.  Research a family pioneer story to share during the trek.  For those who don’t
have a pioneer ancestor, this can be a story of family member who had the pioneer spirit.
3.  Start looking for pioneer clothing. 
4.  Read and ponder the scriptures daily along with daily personal prayer.

How does my trekker get to trek on Thursday morning?
Ward Trek Coordinators are arranging car pools, please check with them.  Don't forget to eat a hearty breakfast and to wear your pioneer clothes.

What do I do if I have a question that is not on the blog?
Contact your Ward Trek Coordinator.